Wednesday, February 12, 2014

HTML5 Trumping IOS in Emerging Mobile Markets

While Android and iOS are the platforms that guarantees most of the mobile application services a few hundred extra bucks, often times they seem to favour HTML5 over iOS. Even mobile app developers in many regions outside the US choose to develop apps in HTML5 rather than iOS forgetting the fact that the latter one actually yields the biggest bucks.  Hoping this post to be an eye-opener to many, here are a few astonishing facts and stats.

2013 Survey Report on Mobile App Development

According to a survey of more than 6,000 developers by an analyst house, it is found that HTML5 is the most popular platform after Android to develop for.
Consider globally, Android app development is the number one choice for developers with Apple's iOS the next most popular platform.  But the difference is especially pronounced in Asia, where 46 percent of mobile developers prioritise Android when compared to 28 percent for iOS. Amidst that 37 percent of them develop HTML5 apps and an additional 15 percent are making hybrid HTML5 apps.
So... on an average, developers make apps for 2.5 platforms simultaneously- and all this survey is rated in the third quarter of 2013.

Profit- What’s the Catch for US

The survey says, around 60 percent of mobile developers fall below the "app poverty line" where most of them earn less than $500 per app per month. However, it is not the same for iOS apps when compared to that which is written for other platforms.

IOS has a larger 'middle class' than Android which means developers generate app $500 to $10K per app per month that is again 37 percent prioritise iOS vs. 25 percent Android.  While more app makers are now earning money from in-app purchases with a median revenue of $425, offshore iPhone App Development Companies on contract basis are showing much effective results, both customer satisfaction and revenue.

Are you looking for one? Why not approach Openwave Computing Services, NYC. We offer a wide variety of affordable mobile app development services, primarily focused on the building of Android and iOS Development but also branching to consulting, project management, and app maintenance and rebranding.

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