Thursday, March 5, 2015

Mobile App Vs Responsive Design

At a time when mobile apps have begun to take the lead over other forms of engagement, we pause to ask the critical question. Do native mobile apps really score over responsive ones? Choosing one of the two depends on what your requirements are and which market you are targeting. To pick one from the two, we believe you should ask yourself the following questions first.

1. Will your native mobile app take advantage of Smartphone functionality?

Do you need to use the GPS, camera, scan feature, or other phone functions? If you intend to provide unique content or functionality not available on the mobile web, then an app is likely the way to go. First round: Advantage mobile app.

2. Is Personalization Important?

One of the great features in a mobile app is the ability to craft personalized experiences for the device with fewer limitations. As a native mobile app is always tied directly to a user’s device, it creates more opportunities to target user experience.

3. Do you have a complex design and UI?

At a certain level of complexity, HTML5 (responsive web) may not help you meet your goals. While HTML5 can indeed deliver customized user experiences, it is native apps that tend to provide the most tailored UX.

4. Do you have a limited budget?

Generally speaking, responsive design is less costly since it’s quicker to develop and deploy than native applications and typically requires fewer dedicated ideas to bring an idea to the market. It only needs one code base to ensure it works across all devices. So here, it’s advantage responsive design.

5. Are you trying to monetize content and encourage purchasing?

If you have a product that has potential for ongoing micro-purchases, then a native application is preferable. A shopping cart on your website can help, but the in-app purchasing system is so simple and is tied into all the rest of a user’s purchases on the platform.

6. Is SEO an important consideration?

If part of your strategy is to increase visibility among search engines and drive traffic to your site, then stick to responsive mobile. Since apps are closed environments, they can’t be crawled by search engines and won’t impact your organic search ranking. Responsive design scores here.

7. Do you plan to make frequent updates?

Native applications could make frequent updates rather difficult. First, application updates need to go through the same lengthy approval process in the App store. If you expect to have frequent design updates, a responsive design may be the best and simplest way to ensure your users access the most recent version.

1 comment:

  1. Great post. And the conclusion is that it depends on what you need to give to your clients. Apps must be developed if the clients need constant interaction with the business and special features if not just a responsive website will be enought.
