Thursday, September 4, 2014

Why Android Apps Developers Give Up Easily?

Android’s growing popularity has clearly had a positive effect on the quantity and quality of goods in Google’s app market. Even though about 80 % of new smartphones is being run on Android for the sake of vastly larger theoretical customer base- this isn’t working anymore.

Here’s the thing: “Android’s Gain Has Not Been IOS‘s Loss”.

iPhone users are pretty much assume that any major app that wouldn’t be nixed by Apple’s App Store policies will offer future updates at least as early as anyone else.

Whereas, in case of Android phone, you’ll get most major apps but there are exceptions.
A few factors which help explain why iOS keeps its app edge or in other words why Android app developers give up so easily:

Attractive: There are plenty of stats saying that iOS users are more app-happy and free-spending than Android users. That makes iOS a more attractive market despite the fewer bodies.

Supporting Multiple Platforms Is Tough: Many interesting apps come from tiny start-ups that pretty much don’t have the option of releasing two ambitious pieces of software simultaneously. This makes it much tougher for Android to have a shot at pulling even with iOS.

Developing for Android is a hassle: One obstacle in Android app development is the challenge of supporting a bevy of devices from different manufacturers and running different variants of the operating system.

Android Versions Aren’t Quick: What if the second platform a developer supports is the iPad? As in like the e-mail app Mailbox which was originated on the iPhone but later arrived in a version nicely rethought for the iPad’s larger display. Later, after a year or so, even an Android version came as a to-do list item for Mailbox’s creators.

In the U.S., Android isn’t the runaway market-share champ. For instance, Android has 51.5 percent share and iOS has 41.8 percent. This inconvenient truth for anyone who argues that Apple’s operating system is on an inexorable march towards irrelevance.

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